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Some birds from the Pantanal Matogrossense

Here you will find a variety of more than 500 birds. Meet some:

Pousada Barra do Aricá



The tuiuiú is a wading bird, it has a naked, black neck and, at the bottom, the crop is also naked and red. The plumage of the body is white and that of the legs is black. It reaches 1.4 meters in length, 1.60 meters in height and weighs 8 kg. It can reach almost 3 meters in wingspan (measured from one open wing tip to the other).



The rhea – Rhea americana – is a native bird and the largest in South America, but due to its meat it has been exported to breeding sites in other parts of the world. In South America it can be found in Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay and southern Bolivia.



The curassow is an endemic bird of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest found today in only a few places in Espírito Santo and Bahia. The animal's behavior is compared to that of a chicken: it is bad at flying and prefers to stay on the ground.



The spoonbill is a long-necked wading bird. The name is due to the spoon shape that the beak of these birds has. With it, the bird revolves the bottom of the aquatic environments in which it lives, in search of food. It lives in small flocks or singly and feeds on fish, crustaceans, insects and molluscs.



 The Seriema is an unmistakable bird in open forest, thorny bushes and mountain pastures. Its large size, red legs and beak, and a prominent loose crest make it a visually distinct species. 



The bird, which has a silhouette similar to that of chickens, is highly appreciated by hunters. Aracuã groups are often attacked, but they also often fight among themselves. Like roosters, they use beaks, wings and feet in these contests. It lives high in the trees, descends little to the ground and is quite territorial.

Blue Arara


     It is the largest species among parrots (parrots, parakeets, macaws, parrots), measuring up to one meter from the tip of the beak to the tip of the tail and weighing up to 1.3 kg. They are animals with habits that draw attention. They like to fly in pairs or in groups and in the late afternoon, they gather in flocks in “dorm” trees.

scarlet macaw

arara vermelha

The great scarlet macaw measures from 73 to 95 centimeters in length and weighs up to 1.5 kilograms. It's called red, but it's colored. Okay, the color that gives it its name is predominant, but it still has blue wings with a green stripe. Because of this detail, it is also known as the green macaw.

Macaw Canindé

arara caninde

The blue-and-white macaw is a psittaciform bird in the Psittacidae family. Also known as yellow-bellied macaw, hyacinth macaw (Amazon), canindé, yellow macaw and arauna macaw. It is one of the smartest parrots. It is not considered to be endangered, although it is prized as a cage bird.



Blue jay is the name given to a beautiful bird that motivated, in Paraná, the tradition of pine planters, burying the seeds with the thinnest point upwards and devouring the head, which would be the rotten part. It should not be slaughtered and is commonly respected by the people as a bird that protects pine forests.



It is a bird that feeds mainly on grains and small insects, found foraging on the ground in search of its food. It is common to observe them together with other granivorous/insectivorous birds during the foraging activity.


curicaca 2

This bird is present in a large part of Brazil, most notably in Marajó Island, in Pará, and in the Pantanal of Mato Grosso. It is still found in Panama and in all South American countries (even Tierra del Fuego, Argentina)

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