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Main fish of the Pantanal Matogrossense
Paraguay Basin


Piscivorous species, voracious predators. It presents a golden coloration with reddish reflections, in each scale it presents a black fillet in the middle, forming longitudinal stripes from head to tail. Large fish, reaching 1 meter in length and weighing 25 kg.

Leather fish, elongated and plump body, large and flat head. Its coloration is gray on the back, lightening towards the belly, whitish below the lateral line. Large species, can reach more than 1 meter in length.

Leather fish, elongated, plump body, large and flat head. Its color is dark gray on the back, lightening towards the belly. It has some rounded and elongated spots at the end of its stripes. Large species, completely without scales, reaching more than 1 meter in total length.

Fish with scales, rhomboidal and long body. The coloration is uniform, brown or dark gray. Molariform teeth, reaching about 50 cm in total length. It is considered one of the most sporting fish in the Pantanal.

Fish with scales, elongated and short body. Its color is yellowish, caudal fin is red, with a black stripe that starts at the caudal peduncle and reaches the central rays of the fin. They reach 50 cm in length and weigh around 2.5 kg.

This fish lives at the bottom of medium and large river beds, usually with dark and muddy waters. It is common to find it near towns and cities.
Its adult size reaches 120 cm, being more common 50 to 60 cm.

Leather fish, plump body, very large and flat head, rounded mouth. Dark brown back, becoming yellowish and whitish below the lateral line. The fins are reddish or pink. Medium-sized species, reaching 70 cm in total length

Leather fish, medium-sized, reaching 60 cm in length and weighing approximately 3 kg. The mandible is slightly larger than the upper jaw. The color can vary from greenish brown to yellow, the belly is white. It has oval cavy spots on the body.
Palm heart

Palmito fish is a common fish throughout Brazil, where it also receives the names of Mandobi, Mandubé, or Palmito-de-ferrão. Belonging to the order of catfish, they differ in that they do not have very large barbels, are short and fringe, and also have the dorsal fin close to the head, in the shape of a sting.

Scale fish, short and thick, with a large, terminal mouth. The color is dark gray, because of the dark lateral edge of the scales, omnivorous species with a tendency to herbivore, in adult fish there are 3 dark spots elongated vertically. They reach 50 cm in length.

The Cachorra has tiny scales, a tall and compressed body. His mouth is slanted, with a row of teeth. and a pair of fangs in the jaw. These are so large that the upper jaw has two holes to accommodate them when the mouth is closed. Its pectoral fins are large. It has a uniform silver coloration with an elongated black spot behind the operculum. It can reach over 1 m in total length.

Large fish, reaching 1.5 meters in length and weighing around 100 kg. Its body is thick and short, its head is large and flat, its color varies from light greenish to dark on its back, its belly is white, with light spots spread across its back.
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