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Fishing in the Pantanal

Discover the best months for you
plan your fishing
  in the Pantanal.

Sport fishing or recreational fishing is fishing that is practiced as a leisure activity, without the fisherman's livelihood depending on it, it can also be called leisure fishing or amateur fishing. One of the most popular modalities of sport fishing is practiced using only fishing rod, fishing line and hook. Sport fishing is practiced in the sea, rivers and lakes using natural baits or artificial baits with reels or reels.


Recreational fishing is among the most widespread social integration and leisure activities in the world, being a practice that promotes family union or groups of friends. It is often the main motivation for a tourist trip. Despite being little explored in Brazil, the potential of this activity is great, considering mainly the great diversity of native species suitable for this type of fishing, the large coastal extension and hydrographic network, when compared to North America, which currently generates an enormous result with fishing tourism. Sport fishing is an eco-friendly evolution of recreational fishing, but. There is still much to be done in this area.

pescaria de pintado
Pousada Barra do Arica

Fishing in February and May

The Pantanal starts its ebb in March and goes until May. During this period the best fishing options are:

Dourados and Cachorras: Fishing carried out in the mouth of the ebb of the corichos, where the water is cleaner and the Dourados are waiting for smaller fish such as lambari, sauá, sardines, etc. Bait most used in this type of fishing are tuviras, white baits and artificial bait. The equipment used is of the medium/medium heavy type; 20 to 30 lb lines.

Leather Fish: It is the so-called round fishing (the boat is free, going down the current of the channels) are used tuviras, muçum, fasting and white baits to catch leather fish such as Pintado, Cachara, Barbado, palm heart and many other types of fish.

Pacu in the “beat”, on the banks of the river or in the “campo” (areas of farms where the river floods at high water), with a bamboo pole and as bait, fruits of the region (taiuiá, tucum coconut, gourd and jenipapo) or clay with fruit flavoring. At this time the temperature varies from 32° to 42° degrees, dry climate, but it can be softened due to rain showers, but there is intense heat, therefore, it is recommended to bring sunscreen, raincoat and repellent.


Fishing in June and July

  Rio is at a lower level. A good period for bottom fishing: Pintado, Cachara and Dourado.

Tuviras and White bait are the most used, Pacu, piraputanga, piau, pacu peva are also fished in bottom places, the most used baits are crab, grasshopper, corn, soy, etc.

During this period the temperature is milder, ranging from 20 to 35 degrees, and the climate is dry, without rain. However, sudden temperature inversions can occur, causing the temperature to drop by up to 10 degrees. The use of a sweatshirt coat is recommended.


Fishing in August and September

  In these months the Cuiabá River is in its low period. Fishing continues the same as in the period June and July, with just one change, the high season for fishing for the large Dourados begins, the most used baits are tuviras and white baits and artificial baits At this time the temperature rises again, ranging from 32 to 42 degrees Celsius, and the days are extremely dry (no rain).

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